Work as a director

Our house in flames︎︎︎
A nossa casa em chamas

fic. | dcp | 10’ 12’’ | 2021
trailer | screener

premiered on the 21/07/2021

07.21 Curtas Vila do Conde IFF (World and Portuguese premiere)
10.21 FEST New Directors, New Films Festival (PT)
11.21 Caminhos do Cinema Português (PT)
05.22 Encontros de Cinema de Viana (PT)
11.22 Entre Olhares - Mostra de Cinema Português (PT)
11.22 PLANOS - Tomar International Short Film Festival (PT)
02.23 Casa Courense Lisboa - Curtas: Tarde de Cinema (PT)
03.25 RONCA - Mostra de Cinema de Elvas (PT)
04.25 Ahmedabad International Film Festival (Indian premiere)

The Night of the King︎︎︎
A noite e o rei

fic. | 2023

Collaborative work

with the Hyperion Collective

doc. | dcp | 12’48’’ | 2021

premiered on the 21/11/2021

11.21 Porto/Post/Doc (World and Portuguese premiere)
01.22 Clermont-Ferrand ISFF Short Film Market (FR)
06.22 NY Portuguese Short Film Festival, Macau Extension (Macanese premiere)
07.22 NY Portuguese Short Film Festival (American premiere)
09.22 NY Portuguese Short Film Festival, Mindelo Extension (Cape Verdean premiere) 10.22 NY Portuguese Short Film Festival, Luanda Extension (Angolan premiere)
11.22 Sport Movies & TV – Milano International FICTS Fest (Italian premiere)
11.23 Entre Olhares - Mostra de Cinema Português (PT)

Work as a producer

A Rapariga Projectada︎︎︎
dir. Francisco Noronha

fic. | dcp | 29’ | 2024
official page
premiered on the 27/03/2024

03.24 71st Martovski Festival - Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival (World and Serbian premiere)
06.24 FEST New Directors, New Films Festival (Portuguese premiere)
08.24 Yerevan International Short Film Festival (Armenian premiere)
09.24 shortcutz - Cineclube de Joane (PT)
11.24 Caminhos do Cinema Português (PT)

Other projects

Amateur films
fic. | digital |7’ | 2019

As an actor
dir. Vasco Bäuerle
fic. | digital | 12’ | 2022